Friday, December 23, 2011

Dear Anas

I wish your Mom well....yes fatigue is one of the strongest side effects of this treatment. She will need a lot of rest.
I will keep her in my prayers.
Have a blessed holiday season.

Srarting week 12

After 4 weeks on procrit, my hemoglobin continues to drop. The doctor has discontinued the Incivek. I got a full 11 out of 12 weeks. She has also discontinued the Ribavirun and interferon for one week to give my hemoglobin a chance to increase.
I feel just awful.
I am of course concerned that the virus will come back with no medication....I am trying to keep the faith and praying the treatment will be a success.
I have to admit that not having to eat the 20 grams of fat 3 times a day is a pleasure.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Week 10

I am just entering my eleventh week. Only 2 more weeks of this hateful Incivek. Although I just had my 3rd shot of pro-Crit my hemoglobin continues to go down 7.3 yesterday.
My doctor is decreasing my ribavirun and withholding it for 4 days.

I had another near passing out and vomiting experience this morning. It totally wipes me out. Physically this is much harder then last time.

I just want it to work....honestly that is all I care about.

For the first time today I really got scared and concerned that this may not work. I have generally been very positive but today was a bad day. For some reason I have this dreaded sense of complete loneliness today. As they say....this too shall pass.

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5th

Last week I started Pro=Crit to increase my hemoglobin. i will take my second injection today. It takes awhile for the hemoglobin to rise....I look forward to more energy. Had an embarrassing
experience at Bloomingdales yesterday. My neighbor took me so I could purchase a gift. I nearly passed out while paying and projectile vomited all over. I will have to wear a hat and big sunglasses next time I go. All kidding aside, it was quite scary. Only 3 more weeks left of the Incivek. Yeah!

This time around is so much easier emotionally....Thank God....I really appreciate that