Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Week 10

I am just entering my eleventh week. Only 2 more weeks of this hateful Incivek. Although I just had my 3rd shot of pro-Crit my hemoglobin continues to go down 7.3 yesterday.
My doctor is decreasing my ribavirun and withholding it for 4 days.

I had another near passing out and vomiting experience this morning. It totally wipes me out. Physically this is much harder then last time.

I just want it to work....honestly that is all I care about.

For the first time today I really got scared and concerned that this may not work. I have generally been very positive but today was a bad day. For some reason I have this dreaded sense of complete loneliness today. As they say....this too shall pass.


  1. hello ...
    I wish that you're doing just fine now..and I really wanna thank you for spending time writing your experience as this is really helpful...
    my mother just took her first injection yesterday and now she is very tired..I wonder if this is going to last for the rest of her 48 course?? and how can you handle it...and thanks again

  2. hello all
    I just found this site.I'm hoping for some information.
    I will be starting my treatment for the first time immediatly after June 11th 2012.
    I have no idea what to expect.I have gotten vague answers.Could/would some of ya'll please let me know exactly how it was for you ? So I can have an idea what to expect.TYVM
    Not knowing but reading some feeds...Hope everyone reaches their healing goal.
