It's now January..........
The snow has kept me (and everyone else) in the house even more then normal as many work days had to be missed.
I've started to develop some migraines. All other symptoms are status quo and I can not wait for the winter to be over.
I am very isolated and I don't receive as many phone calls. I don't pick up the phone either as I really don't know what to say.
I feel everyone is sick of hearing about how I feel and I don't do anything...there is nothing new to say.
I usually have a good sense of humor and I am quite self deprecating but I have a hard time finding things funny at this point. Though I can see the humor in some of my memory lapse antics...trying to change he tv channel with the phone..losing my cup of coffee in the house..things like that do still make me laugh.
I wish I had more company...I don't invite people either so a lot is my fault too. I feel as though I don't have anything to offer anyone right now...even my conversation is limited.
I know things will get better once this is over....I really do.
God bless you. Your blog almost matches my experience exactly except I have had a much longer period of no symptoms...almost three months before I started getting tired. Going up to bed was exhausting. My blood count would be 10.8 and 10.9 until a month ago (I am 7 months into treatment) it tanked and Dr. put me on Aranesp. Dang that shot hurts! My husband is very queasy about stuff like that but he has been kind enough to "harpoon" me Friday nights. Monday night is my Interferon and Ribaviran twice a day. Wellbutrin twice a day. I started wearing a wig about two weeks ago. I am getting discouraged so your blog has been so very helpful. My viral load in undetectable so I have every reason to hang in there. Again thank you so much. My name is Loueita but I don't know how to post that information. I am 59 and have had this at least 23 years without knowing it until last June.