Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 2 October 10th

I had blood work done. My rash has become worse so the doctor prescribed a stronger cream. My white count dropped to 3.8 and my hemoglobin actually went uo to 14.9. I thought that was a good thing but the doctor explained I was dehydrated. I need to drink more water.
A bit queasy but not nauseas.
THE BEST NEWS.. After only 6 days on the protocol my viral load dropped to 53!!!! No zeroes attached's amazing
Tired and napping quite a bit but really not too bad (yet) : )

And so it begins...week one

October 4th....first day of treatment.
This treatment is 24 weeks. First 12 weeks with weekly injections, ribavirun and the new drug Incivek. After week 4 my viral load has to be 1,000 or less or treatment will not continue. If I am successful the following 12 weeks the Incivek stops and the other 2 drugs continue.
On September 13th my Viral load was in the 900,000 range. Each week I will have blood work and see the doctor.
when I injected that evening it all became very real to me. By the end of the week I had a rash under my arms (expected). The doctor wants me to call the office with any side-effects.
An over the counter cortisone cream should do it. So far so good. A bit fatigued and insomnia but I am sleeping after being prescribed Klonopin. Thank God...the insomnia last time around was torture.

September 12th

I had my first visit with my new doctor at the hepatitis center. I am so excited that she feels I am a good candidate for the new protocol. What a difference it makes going to a doctor who specializes. I feel I am in such better hands now and that my symptoms will be managed.
One of most frustrating experiences with the last doctor I used for treatment was that neither he or his staff had any knowledge or empathy of the myriad of symptoms that come along with this treatment.
If i could make one suggestion to anyone contemplating treatment it would to be to see someone who specializes in hepatitis C. A routine gastroenterologist is not adequate.

Once all of the approvals go through for the medication I will start...the sooner the better.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Some disappointing news

I had my three month viral load post treatment and found out the virus had returned. My count was 330,000.
I was so disappointed...I knew something was up but I was really hoping that my thyroid medication just needed to be adjusted.
I was feeling very fatigued.
I hung up the phone that morning extremely disappointed but by the end of that day I had an appointment set with a new doctor at the hepatitis center in Hackensack.

I know the new treatment is available and I was just hoping I would be a candidate. I didn't want to go on treatment again (who would) but I had about 5 or 6 weeks of feeling terrific post treatment and I really want that back.
I will do whatever it takes to be healthy!